Valentine Fun At Sunshine

Pony Playtime!
It’s A Little Person’s Experience!
We are now offering Pony Playtime at 11am. If these sessions do fill (like they do), then we will open more at noon.
Please make sure your child is wearing boots and gloves as riding in trainers can be unsafe for children.

Groom & Ride
An ideal way for your child aged 6 and up to be able to learn about and experience riding a horse or pony in a fun and exciting way.
They will need to wear leggings/joggers, BOOTS, and dress for the weather on top. We are sorry, but if it is hot, they can NOT ride in vest tops or shorts. Riders who are not dressed appropriately will directed to our local shops for a wardrobe change.
Stable Days and
Stable Mornings
The Best Way To Learn To Have Your Own Horse!
Come and learn what it is like to own your own horse or pony.
This is a great experience for the child who doesn’t mind a touch of dirt and has a real love for horses.
You must wear boots and really should bring a pair of gloves if not 2 pairs.